Bachmann 4-4-0 model 28306 sound

Started by weaselbear, January 05, 2015, 05:55:17 PM

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Can sound be added to this unit?  What is degree of difficulty?  What parts/tools are needed


Parts required (cost will be roughly $150-200):
Tsunami (or brand of choice) DCC Sound decoder
Soldering iron and solder if you don't have them already
Precision screw driver set

Remove DCC decoder from tender
Install New Sound decoder with speaker and baffle
decoder can be purchased with an 8 pin plug as the locomotive has a 8 pin socket

Level of difficulty is variable depending on your abilities and experience level

This would be easy if you are very experienced or potentially difficult for someone with little to no experience


The tender body is the same one used in the sound equiped version of this loco. It already has a space for the speaker in the tender. The sound equiped version uses the Bachmann #10066 speaker, available through the "Order Parts" page.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.