plug and play sound decoder for G-scale Climax

Started by petervweimer, October 29, 2014, 04:56:34 AM

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Still planning a small garden layout with just the new 2-4-2T and the latest generation Climax, both Bachmann large scale models. My question for the 2-4-2 is still open for answers, here the one for the Climax: My version will be the one without DCC and Sound, but DCC ready. Is there a plug and play Sound Decoder for this model on the market that can be installed without soldering including the speaker? Sorry if the question sounds a bit silly but I am completely new to large scale and used to my NEM652-equipped On30 locos which are ideally suited for someone like me with 2 left hands when it comes  to soldering or other more complicated electrics. Hoping for help and thanks in advance. Peter   

Kevin Strong

The QSI "Titan" sound board is plug-and-play with the Climax. I've got one in mine, and it sounds great! You can attach the speakers to the screw terminals on the QSI board. No soldering needed. I can't remember if the non-DCC Climax comes with a speaker or not, so you'll want to check that and buy a suitable speaker if it does not.

ESU LokSound also makes a plug-and-play board (LokSound XL V4.0). I've not used that board myself, but I've played with a Shay that was equipped with one at a train show. I could see no problems from what I ran there.




Thanks again Kevin,
I started looking for the QSI here in Germany but think I will have to get it in the US. My plans grow because I was offered a new in the box Bachmann 2-truck-Shay (82199) by a German dealer at a very reasonable price. Is the situation regarding installing sound in this Shay the same as with the Climax or more complicated because the model is "older"?


One more question: Is the plug-in a 12-pins in one row version?

Kevin Strong

The "large scale" socket has two rows of pins, one on either end of the board about 2" apart. One row has 12 pins, and has connections for power, motor, and lights. The other end has 10 or 11 pins, consisting of connections for functions, smoke, and speaker. (Not all decoders use these pin connections, but they're there at least.)

With the 2-truck Shay, there's no socket at all, so you're going to have to cut into the existing electronics to install the decoder. Many folks just end up gutting the factory boards and wiring everything directly. (That's what I did.)
