What's the future of Bachmann 1:20.3 scale?

Started by CCSG, April 28, 2014, 04:48:02 AM

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Certainly by Monday there will be some sort of NMRA announcement. Personally up to a couple years ago I would have loved to see a Boxcab based on GE's little 20 tonner, but I got to where I stopped expecting anything I liked to be produced so I did my own:

Now quite honestly I dunno what to expect given how flat the market is and how glutted the uses market still is. I think I am one to the few people who really enjoy bashing the Lil Hauler stuff, Now I don't know what the future of that is either.

I would still love to see something like this though in LS:


bob kaplan

Uplifting discussions such as this are going to do little to attract new narrow gauge modelers.  Why would anyone enter a field where its members are predicting its rapid demise?  If you are a manufacture of models why would you manufacture new ones if members talk of leaving the field...Or if just having entered the field, these conversations certainly would encourage a reevaluation of one's choice to the hobby.  i certainly have been enjoying the hobby for several years (though by means of an indoor layout) and hope to see new additions....of course i enjoy rainbows too.

Loco Bill Canelos


I dunno, I don't think there will ever be a demise, just a slow down in new stuff. I think Narrow gauge modelers are a breed of their own 8).  Once the bug bites there is no going back ;D.  They will never be dissuaded and willl go to any expense  :o and length to get what they want, and if it is not made they try to kitbash something to what they want :-*.


Loco Bill,  Roundhouse Foreman
Colorado & Kansas Railway-Missouri Western Railway
Official Historian; Bachmann Large Scale
Retired Colorado RR Museum-Brakeman-Engineer-Motorman-Trainman
There are no dumb or stupid questions, just questions!


Quote from: bob kaplan on July 17, 2014, 10:28:28 AM
Uplifting discussions such as this are going to do little to attract new narrow gauge modelers.  Why would anyone enter a field where its members are predicting its rapid demise?  If you are a manufacture of models why would you manufacture new ones if members talk of leaving the field...Or if just having entered the field, these conversations certainly would encourage a reevaluation of one's choice to the hobby.  i certainly have been enjoying the hobby for several years (though by means of an indoor layout) and hope to see new additions....of course i enjoy rainbows too.

No demise, slow down yes, but then large scale expanded rapidly in the mid 00's, probably way too rapidly, as such we are still dealing with the combined effects of that over production and a decreased buying pool due to alot of LSr's who dropped out during the recession and haven't come back. As a result alot of used stuff has been dumped on the market. Now add in the idiots on Ebay who think a clapped out broken missing parts Lionel 0-6-0 cheesemaster is still worth $100 BIN just because its "large scale" and multiply that idiot buy a 100x, all asking over the moon for stuff that when you watch the rare auction for and see what it actually sells for (real worth vs perceived worth) its selling for 25-50% of the loony BIN prices. You begin to see why LS (and 1/20.3) is in a bit of a rut.

But there IS expansion going on, Accucrafts new GP60 is expected to sell well, the C-19 was a hit, I think most of the K-27s also sold really well, so there IS market out there. Its just we are NEVER going to see high volume/low price stuff like we did with in the 00's again, the market is just too small, so what does get produced will be smaller runs, higher priced, and more likely to sell out given the smaller runs. Its just finding what will sell in a harder market like today. I hope to see another smaller loco like the C-16 or what I would kill to have would be one of these:

or even one of these:

We'll see  ;)


The Bachmann has spoken :


The Mogul is nice, but worthless for me on my tiny layout. Meh!  :-\




Hi Vic:

Lionel made an 0-6-0 and another loco with the rear fuel bin which you could bash together to build the DRGW tank loco. Just need to fabricate the water tank over the steam boiler.


Kevin Strong

Lionel made an 0-6-0, but they're of very dubious running quality. That, and far too small for a proper model of that loco in 1:20.3.




Quote from: mikeC on July 18, 2014, 10:21:46 PM

Hey, come over to UK - no shortage of 'em here, although the $1100.00 price tag might put you off.  ;)

Guess that's why very few folks over here have bought one - savin' 'em, y'see, for you guys over there where they are cheap.

Ottawa Valley GRS


Quote from: norman on July 19, 2014, 03:26:57 PM
Hi Vic:

Lionel made an 0-6-0 and another loco with the rear fuel bin which you could bash together to build the DRGW tank loco. Just need to fabricate the water tank over the steam boiler.


I was considering the Indy as a base structure for a bash.


From my experience as a model railroader the urges come and go. But it never takes much to bit you back in to a strong urge to play trains for a few years. One thing that 1:20.3 allows is the great size to scratch build. But more verity on parts for the scale would be nice like more trucks, hand rails, steps, lights, brake stands, underframe detail parts, loco domes, cab detail, passenger car decorations and so much more that can make it interesting for scratch builders. It's a trend In the whole hobby of trains that more and more products are ready to roll. No MORE KITS :'( or very few kits at all. I don't really see this scale every dead just slumbering for years. The younger generations need to learn to enjoy more then Technology. If you have kids have them build some trains instead of the screen. It helps there minds instead of drains there brain and the couch.

davey b

i would like to see the k27 with inside cylinders,,,  it would be different enough to justify a purchase

and tooling is mostly done,,

c19 early versions,,,,  again tooling mostly done

also the box cars which the colorado and southern, RGS and white pass used

that would satisfy people who model one of three lines

but a coach which is different from the jackson sharp offering by accucraft would be great

ie duckbill roof, round window tops etc

Chuck N


What do you mean a "K27 with inside cylinders"?  Do you mean a regular non-D&RGW narrow gauge mikado like used on the East Broad Top?  A K-27, 28, 36, and 37 are very specific to the Rio Grande.  They all had outside frames.


Skarloey Railway

K-27 with Vauclain cylinders would be an interesting variant.

Chuck N

A K27 is a very specific locomotive.  It is not a generic term.  You can do anything you want to with a Mikado, but it won't be a K-27.
