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EZ-Track Switch Control Boxes

Started by swamprat, January 12, 2014, 04:09:52 PM

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Greetings All,

During a move I misplaced (lost) a number of EZ-Track Switch Control Boxes and Connection wires; also wires for terminal sections.

I understand that Bachmann doesn't make these as spare parts.  I have to verify this but if true I'll have to use Atlas #56 Switch Control Boxes.

I found one You Tube video on how to wire up the Atlas box to the Bachmann switch but it didn't have any voice and the video was poor.

Also, a number of comments stated that the Bachmann Control Boxes were of very poor quality, don't really know if this is true as I've only hooked up a few of these and haven't had any issues yet.

If I can't get replacement control boxes and wires, can anyone one the list tell me how to hook up the Atlas control boxes to the Bachmann switches and were to get power wires for the terminal sections.

Any help will be appreciated ... Thanks


I saw that vid too and your are right, it basically stunk as far as providing help.
I am not entirely familiar with the EZ turnouts, but I am with other makers.  I would imagine the set up is very similar if we are talking about analog turnouts and not DCC ones.  So, stop me if what I say/suggest does not make not sense.
I would imagine there are 3 wires that go to the switch motor?  If so, the ones on either side are what control the throwbar to change the direction the loco takes when going though the turnout.   So if this is the case yes, you can use the Atlas switch controller as long as you have your wire harness that plugs into the turnout.  At the opposite end, you will have to cut the harness off to separate the wires so you can screw them under the screws of the Atlas controller (after stripping a little less than a quarter inch of insulation from them.  If you can "tin" them as well, that would be good).  Be consistent, middle wire stays in the middle and the two outside wires stay to the outside.  For the 2 screws on the left side of the Atlas control box, you hook up from an AC source (although my understanding is that the switch machines can also run off of DC up to a max of 19 volts).  The AC source could easily be a cheap old time power pack.  In fact, it is better to have a separate power source to run turnouts, accessories, separately from the power source for your trains.
Any questions, just ask.  I hope this was of benefit to you.
Keep Calm and Carry On



Is your question about the wiring of an Atlas turnout control to an EZTrack remote turnout or are you wondering about finding the plastic connectors which are at the ends of the Bachmann two- and three-conductor cables?

There are lots of web sources for the how to wire part which is, in any case, very straightforward. The connectors are another matter. I'm not certain where to find them; however, the red and green cables are available from this web site under HO track and accessories but they are horrendously expensive.
                                                                                                                                                                       -- D


Here, in the event my written explanation does not serve its intended purpose, here is a vid that shows the wire set up:

No special wire harness is required to hook 2 wires up from the AC source of a power pack to an Atlas switch controller.  Just about any 2 wires 24 gauge or better (lower in number) will do.  Unless I am totally not understanding their set up, I don't know how the wires from the Bachmann switch machine on the turnout gets "lost" unless they are cut off.  They don't appear to me to be a plug in at both ends kind of wire and look to be wired directly to the machine and it is only the other end that gets plugged into anything; like a switch controller or extension wire.
Keep Calm and Carry On