Wiring feeder lines with EZ track

Started by custerg911, January 09, 2014, 08:53:18 PM

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Can you locate 9" terminal track around layout and plug in red wiring to each one and then splice all to main red wire from EZ commander?





Yes. It's much cheaper to solder feeders to rail joiners than to use the terminal tracks. They are more versatile, too.
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I tried to attach feeder wires to terminal track and gave up. What I found to work is to drill small wholes near rail joiners on top of the plywood, then use a much bigger bit under the wood. Then solder doorbell wire to the rail joiners, attach to Radio Shack terminal strips and use 16 gauge wire to "daisy chain" to main power supply.



Are you daisy chaining (running a continuous wire with stopping points at each track attachment
point) or running all of the feeders from the terminal strip which operates as a hub and spokes
arrangement? Your post sounds like you are doing both.
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Have number of terminal tracks and supply of red wires so will try on simple oval to see if works. Currently have 4x8 plus 4x4 addition size layout. Two DCC with sound run Ok but think I need better distribution of power. Using Bachmann EZ Commander system which works graet so far.




Your hunch that you may need additional feeders is an apt one. DCC is very finicky about getting continuous power. It's certainly a lot less complicated to wire a DCC layout than a DC one with block control, but it's not as simple as one wire like the DCC manufacturers say. Still, I'd rather run feeder wires which only demand care with polarity than multiple feeds, cabs, power supplies and DPDT switches. (And still needing to pay attention to polarity!)
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