Changing the locomotive address, Dynamis E-Z Command

Started by HONZ, August 07, 2013, 09:23:04 AM

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Thanks Jerry, Hunt and everyone else - your help is much appreciated




There is a very active NCE group in Yahoo Groups. I think you will be able to find lots of

information in that group on the pros and cons of various systems.



I also think we need to keep in mind that Dynamis is, at least from what I gather from a friend who has such a system, an introductory DCC system and therefore it's unfair to compare it with more advanced DCC systems.

Or am I wrong?



There are "introductory" DCC systems currently available from several manufacturers and Bachmann makes one of them; however, their Dynamis system is not it.

Introductory DCC system does not have the same meaning between manufacturers.


I have up graded my Bachmann DCC E-Z command to a Bachmann Dynamis system with pro box and extra controller, and had issues with assigning loco address on my walthers/proto e8's with Tsunami sound ( changing from address 1 to 9) went through the process but still on address 1... I found a work around used my old E-z command controller and programmed the address using that controller and it worked, the dynamis see's the new address