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Bachmann track

Started by FMac, January 31, 2013, 12:36:33 PM

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I'm a new train modeler and I was hoping to get some advice as to the best way to connect multiple track switches. Is there a power block that works well orr any other device. Open for suggestions



If you are using slow-motion switch motors like Tortoise motors, you can use simple toggles. However, if you are using electromagnetic switch machines, like Bachmann and all other ready-to-use remote control turnouts, you MUST use switches with a center-off or momentary-contact architecture.

Slow-motion machines actually continue to push the rails in the direction of the throw (one of the reasons many modelers like them so much -- they give a very positive throw) so it is okay, even necessary, that the switch machine remain energized: that's how they stay firmly in position. However, the electromechanical, instant-throw, machines use an electromagnet to throw the rails this way or that. They act immediately and do not need their power to continue. Indeed, continuing the power after the turnout has moved will destroy the switch motor by burning it out. This won't take long, i.e., within a few seconds of the very first time you throw the control.

The switches which come with ready-made remote control turnouts (buy the ones labeled with numbers, not the ones called snap-switch) are just fine. But if you use more than one brand and want your switches to look the same, you must either buy more electrical switches of the type you want to use so they all match, or buy all new ones. Be sure that you get the right type if you buy all new ones, like from Radio Shack or something. And, of course, the same advice applies if having toggle or paddle switches appeal to you.

Good luck with your modeling and welcome to model railroading.

                                                                                                     -- D


Unlike PMac, I'm wanting to use DCC E-Z track turnouts. My goal is to wire signal lights on my turnout switches so I will be able to see the condition of the switch without running around my layout; something like a red over green signal they shows green in the default (straight) straight position and red in the turnout position. Any help/suggestions will be appreciated.


what you will need is an atlas snap relay, wired in parallel with your switch motor. the contacts on the snap relay will be used to switch your signal lights.

since the bachmann wiring is modular plug n play, you'll need to splice the wiring from the snap relay coils into your switch cable. probably the easiest way to do this is to cut the cable in half and wire each half and the snap relay into a terminal strip.

Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA


would it be possible. if the frog is powered, to connect an led and resistor between the frog and each of the stock rails? in theory, when the frog changes "polarity" as the switch is thrown either one or the other of the led's will light. i haven't tried this myself since i contorl my switches by analog.

Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA



This is possible but it can require a lot of wire running to every turnout and insulating the "distal" ends of the turnout so power coming
in from the attached track doesn't throw the system for a loop. For example, you could have a spur track with its own feeder that
would light the LED even if the turnout were lined for the through track.

                                                                                                                -- D