need help assigning long address to Bachmann 70 ton diesel

Started by dmreed, February 09, 2007, 03:44:47 AM

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I have tried to set the long address of the above loco with no success. I tried it with the Digitrax Zepher with and without using DecoderPro. Can anyone help?

A direct email to [email protected] as well as a post here would be greatly appreciated.

Jim Banner

As Bachmann decoders are a Lenz design, the usual trick of using a 1000 ohm resistor across the tracks should work.
Growing older is mandatory but growing up is optional.


I have tried with and without the resistor...any other suggestions?

someone has suggested to me that this loco comes with an MRC decoder...does anyone know for sure?


it finally address 5106! I finally managed to set the address using OPS mode with the Digitrax Zephyr several times before...I had tried this way before and it did not take but this time it took!!!

John C

Thought I just read in MR recently that Bachmann decoders only accepted short addresses - could be wrong, I am getting older.


Quote from: dmreed on February 10, 2007, 08:58:41 AM

someone has suggested to me that this loco comes with an MRC decoder...does anyone know for sure?

They are not MRC - see Railroad Model Craftsman, March 2007, page 10, for a letter from Frank Verico, Product Manager, Model Rectifier Corporation.

Bachmann's non-sound decoders to date are all based on Lenz designs.
N&W 1950 - 1955


The decoder in my 2-10-2 took a 4 digit address so I'll assume that all B-mann decoders will accept long addresses.  On the topic of decoders, I can't reset or change anything on a  DN121 in my b-mann 10 wheeler. I've tried reseting CV9 to 9, adjusting acc/dec , changing adresses, nothing seems to work and the headlight won't come on from day one, except for the other day I ran a switch caused a momentary short and the headlight came on....I'm using an MRC Advance system and programming on the main.

I drempt, I planned, I'm building