Bachmann EZ Track Switch Controls

Started by franzman, November 11, 2012, 03:05:56 PM

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Okay - you guys were SOOO helpful in getting our reverse loop set up with Bachmann equipment.  Now we are looking for some help in "controlling" our turn switch controls.  We have quite a few now (like 16).  The ones that come with the Bachmann EZ Track are pretty chintzy.  I have heard that Radio Shack makes a good switch - but I have no idea which one it is, or what that would entail.
Also, ours are just nailed on to a shelf.  Does anyone have a good suggestion as to how to make a control panel for the switches?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jerrys HO


If you are using the non numbered turnout I would agree the switch controllers are cheap. The numbered ones are better, but if I had to replace thhem I would use something like this one...

Pick one that best suits you



if you are going to use toggle switches from radio shack or any other source, you'd better be sure they are momentary contact switches. why? your switch motors are like solenoids which operate on a momentary burst of power. keep them connected to power for too long and they burn up. the switch in the link above would burn out your motors if you used them. repeat, they MUST be momentary contact type switches to work.

or... you could use normally open type pushbuttons, two per switch motor.

Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA



The answers on this board are frequently heavy on opinion and light on real reasons. I include myself in that statement.
But there is NO opinion in Jeff's advice. He is exactly correct that you will burn out your electromatic switch machine the
very first time you throw it with any non-momentary switch.

                                                                                              -- D

Jerrys HO

Thanks Jeff and Don.
Sorry about that. I re-edited my post with the correct one.
Yes they do have to be momentary switches.


Joe Satnik

Dear All,

The Bachmann turnout controllers have the same 2 (TWO) functions as the Atlas #56 "switch control box":

First,  to momentarily energize either

the left 2 (of 3) wires, or

the right 2 (of 3) wires (but never all three)

routed to the 3 terminals of a turnout's twin-coil solenoid.

Second, to leave a visual indication of the direction of the turnout (from the last activation of the solenoid).

The two brands of turnout controllers mentioned above do these 2 jobs well, but have a huge footprint on the control panel.  

The simplest way to imitate both of these functions in a smaller footprint would be with two mini switches:

1). An SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) for direction selection in series with a

2). NO (Normally Open) SPST (Single Pole Single Throw) Mom. (Momentary) push button.    

In normal operation, the push button would take the most wear and tear, as it does all the active switching (arcing, sparking) of currents. (1 amp or more would do...)

The direction selection SPDT should NOT be a "center off" switch.  

ACC terminal 1_______________________ Solenoid Center wire or terminal

                                                 _____Solenoid Left wire or terminal
ACC terminal 2_________/ ________/
                                                 _____Solenoid Right wire or terminal
                              Push          SPDT
                             Button        Direction Selection
                             Mom. NO

These would work for the direction selection: 2MS1T1B1M2QE (from e-bay).  (1/4" drill hole.)

These would work for the push button: spst momentary mini (from e-bay).  (mostly 9/32" drill hole.)

Hope this helps.  


Joe Satnik

Edit:  Re-position line drawings for clarity
If your loco is too heavy to lift, you'd better be able to ride in, on or behind it.

Pacific Northern

I am glad that others have commented on Bachmann's EZ track switch controllers. The newest series with the printed circuit board are the lowest quality switch controllers I have ever seen. I now have 16 EZ switches, all are #6 switches, I also have two #5 EZ switches but they no longer work after about three months of use.

I could not believe it when I started to install the control boxes for these remote switches,

These controllers vary in age from about two years old to a few weeks old. They were never used, I manually switched the EZ Track remote switches until I decided just recently to install the remote controls.

Of the 16 switches, just over half 9 were defective. Now that is quality control.

I would have more respect for Bachmann if they did not include these control boxes and left it to the purchasers to buy there own control boxes. These new switches are a joke.

I opted to buy the Manual Atlas control boxes. These have been around for years, are very sturdy in their construction and are easy to maintain. Even though there were a few Bachmann switch control boxes I did not use any of these, given the failure rate I doubt they would have lasted very long anyway.

Pacific Northern