1:20.3 Spectrum 0-4-0 Porter DCC Installation

Started by htmagic, October 15, 2012, 09:05:48 PM

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OK, I am new to this board and am looking for information on the large scale Spectrum 0-4-0 Side Tank Porter engine. It clearly says 'DDC ready' on the side of the box. Oh great! I was hoping I could install my Aristocraft Revolution Train Engineer receiver. DCC ready means 'drop in', should be easy peasy, right? WRONG!!!

Although I have built many electronic items and familiar with electronic circuits, I was never more disappointed in the "DCC Wiring Diagram" produced by Bachmann. A sad example of cheap Chinese translation, the circuit diagram is confusing at best. Although the circuit board has several terminal blocks clearly marked M+, etc., I'm not sure if I disconnect the short segments of wire going to these terminal blocks and wire them to the socket of my receiver, or take the socket wires and connect them to the terminal blocks on the engine circuit board.

Has anyone else dropped a Revolution receiver in a large scale 0-4-0 Porter Spectrum? Any photos or support in doing this "drop in" would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help on this subject.

May the FORCE be with you and have a magical day!


Loco Bill Canelos

The Aristocraft Revolution system is very nice, but it is not even close to being DCC.  The Bachmann Porter is DCC ready and you can plug a DCC decoder right into it, but not a Revolution!!  Do not use the DCC wiring diagram.  use the DC diagram.

There are seven wires on the revolution, or screw terminals depending on what you bought.  To install it you will need to connect the "power in"wires from the Revolution receiver  to the track pickups and two wires from the Revolution to the motor, the other three wires are for the headlight and backup light if so equipped. 

The Aristocraft instructions you will want to follow are the ones for the non-plug and play installation.  If you do not have these instructions they are available online at that companies web site.  Since you have a lot of experience with building electronics you should be able to follow those instructions very easily.

There is no drop in method or photos that I know of. You must follow the Aristocraft instructions

Have fun with your installation.
Loco Bill,  Roundhouse Foreman
Colorado & Kansas Railway-Missouri Western Railway
Official Historian; Bachmann Large Scale
Retired Colorado RR Museum-Brakeman-Engineer-Motorman-Trainman
There are no dumb or stupid questions, just questions!


Quote from: Loco Bill Canelos on October 15, 2012, 09:44:44 PM
The Aristocraft Revolution system is very nice, but it is not even close to being DCC.  The Bachmann Porter is DCC ready and you can plug a DCC decoder right into it, but not a Revolution!!  Do not use the DCC wiring diagram.  use the DC diagram.

Loco Bill,

Thanks for your reply! The point I was making is that the Bachmann Porter IS NOT DCC ready. There IS NO plug where you can plug a decoder straight in. It is NOT a drop in or what I would call "DCC ready". If I have to disconnect wires from terminals or modify the wiring in any way, I would call that DCC compatible but NOT "DCC ready".

I will use a volt ohm meter (VOM) to double check the wiring as it is still somewhat confusing. But since it is open, we would like to get this finished by this weekend. Luckily there was a DCC diagram and a DC diagram and using both of these will clue us in to how to wire in the Revolution.

Has no one modified a Spectrum to use an Aristocraft Revolution? No? Sounds like I need to take plenty of pictures on how to do it and upload it to this forum so other folks don't have to blaze a trail on unknown ground...


Loco Bill Canelos

Sorry, I thought you were referring to the Revolution as being DCC compatible.

Clearly you know what to do.  Post pictures of your experience for sure. 

This site is all about helping others and by posting pictures of your installation you would certainly be doing that even tho we have not been of much help to you so far. 

Thanks Loco Bill
Loco Bill,  Roundhouse Foreman
Colorado & Kansas Railway-Missouri Western Railway
Official Historian; Bachmann Large Scale
Retired Colorado RR Museum-Brakeman-Engineer-Motorman-Trainman
There are no dumb or stupid questions, just questions!