Fitting DCC decoder 44915 to a HO Three Truck Shay item 81901

Started by peter, July 30, 2007, 05:35:16 AM

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I am at a loss as to how and where to fit this. What part of the HO 3 Truck Shay do I have to dimantel. The instruction says it is easy to fit but gives no detail. Help as I am at a complete loss!! Peter


Flip the Shay upside down. Disconnect the two small electrical connectors at bottom/front of tender. There is a small silver drawbar coupling the tender to the chassis. Remove the screw from tender end. Slip the tender away from chassis and out of driveline coupler.

Next, find the 2 small screws holding the one end of the tender down. Undo these, and carefully pull the ladder pins from the tender.

The tender top should pop off now. Go slowly. Once it is off, remove the jumper plug on the circuit board and plug in your 44915. Make sure the orange pin (#1) is oriented correctly and gently push the plug into the socket until firmly seated. Reassemble your Shay.

Hope this helps.

