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Williams Golden Memories 773

Started by ASQTec, February 05, 2012, 08:12:23 AM

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I purchased the Golden Memories 773 a couple of weeks ago, and finally got around to running it last night. I noticed that the engine wobbled diagonally (right rear goes up, then left front goes up) while running with or without a consist. The wobble doesn't match the wheel revolutions, so I quickly ruled out a bent wheel or axle.

Upon further investigation, I noticed that only one of the two rear drive wheels has a traction tire. The other rear wheel has the groove, but no tire. I'm wondering if installing the spare traction tire on the grooved wheel will stop the wobble. Does anyone else have this model? Do your rear drive wheels match what I'm seeing?


Hi ASQTec,

              671 here. I have the 773 WbyB. Your new Hudson is suppose to have both traction tires in place. Put the spare traction tire on and then enjoy a smooth, well balanced engine.
               Contact Bachman service and have them send you a replacement pair. When I recieved my new 773, it did not have spare tires. I contacted Bachman and they sent me a spare set.
                Make sure that your wire harness between tender and loco has enough free play. An up and down loop would relieve pressure on the harness during the rounding of curves.
                Oil it up correctly, give it a total of one to two hours of "Break-In Time" (light running,no load, vary speed, monitor motor temperature)
                 Then it is time for fun!!!

P.S.  If you put the tire on with "Rubber Cement" ( Found at Home Depot or Staionary Stores) Longer life will happen due to the fact that tire will not buckle on the rim during heavy hauling

                               Good Luck...671


I have a couple of Williams with traction tires and have not had to replace one as yet. Have both a diesel and a steam engine with traction tires, so I feel that needing a traction tire is unusual thing for a Williams engine. Sometimes I run my trains for a couple hours at a time and have not replaced a Williams traction tire that I can remember.
I agree with "671" that no traction tire on one side or one wheel can make a wobble.

On a slightly differant note, I have to replace traction tires a lot on my MTH 4-8-4 RDG T1 Northern, cab # 2124.

Lee F.


671, Good advice on the wiring harness. The front wheels on the tender derailed a couple of times before I figured that out!

I put the spare on and we're good to go.