Woodland Scenics River Pass Kit ?

Started by AHRJMR, February 09, 2007, 08:09:13 AM

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Has anyone put this kit together? I am at the point of putting the plaster cloth on the layout and want to know if I should pre-wire everthing I am going to have in the scenery (IE signal lights, billboards, buildings, street lights etc.) before I use the plaster cloth? ::)



Bill Baker

Jim, I haven't put the WS River Pass set together, but it looks like a great looking project. I don't know if there is any hard and fast rules as to putting scenery down first or wiring first.  I've done it both ways.  Since you are at the stage of putting the landscaping down I would go ahead and pre position my wiring leads at the sites you wish to place your structures and signal lights.  You might even drill holes in your board and give yourself enough lead to do your wiring connections.  A lot depends if you will be able to remove your buildings after you have applied your scenery. On the layouts I've had I never glue or seal my buildings down that I can't come back at a later time and run some wiring. Exceptions are when I plan to mold my landscapping material around the foundation of my buildings.  That pretty well seals your building to your board. In cases like that you certainly want your wiring and interior light bulbs already in position when you set your building up.

Go to the Bachmann Photo Gallery and look at two of the layouts our Mr. B. did.  They look great, but I don't know if he had any wiring running to his structures before he put his scenery down.

How about it Mr. B?  Did you?

Good luck,


Thanks for your advice. I think I am going to run the wiring to the general area of where the buildings are going to be placed. I can hide the wires under the buildings. I think i can do the same for the billboards and signals as well.


the Bach-man

Dear Jim and Bill,
The Riley's Run layout is a modified River Pass- a great kit! Sodor uses Woodland Scenics supplies, but I sort of made it up as I went along.
On both layouts I ran wires as I went.
Have fun!
the Bach-man


Would suggest you give "Lee" a call at WS. He told me they helped Bachmann Ind with the mods to the kit, eg, the trestle, etc. I can attest that Mr. B. did a beautiful job, since my friend Ted and I met him at the Pgh show. Remember the sweet little kiddo that put his grubby little hands on the Shay, Mr. B?

Best, Jack

Bill Baker


This is a little off the subject, but you mentioned that kiddo that put his grubby little hands on the Shay.  It brought to mind a funny event that happened about a year ago with my eldest grandson.  We were watching our little 4-6-0 pull a consist around my layout and at the time he was eating a bologna sandwich with mustard.  Just as the locomotive passed by him he was leaning over the track and a huge drop of mustard fell from his sandwich and onto the engine.  Well it not only hit the top of the boiler but got meshed in the rods.  I couldn't stop it quick enough.  My first thought was what in the world will Bachmann Service think of this little mess?  But after laughing my self silly and coming to my senses, I finally was able to clean all of the mustard off with a little bit of alcohol.  It's a moment my grandson and I will hold dearly with each other for a long time.  I just wanted to share this with you.


Dear Bill,

I hear ya! and am LOL!  However, us Pittsburgh guys would suggest you try fried bologna, with ketchup between two slices of white bread. You just put the bologna in a cold pan and start her up. Get it nice and toasty with crispy areas. This will send you into heaven. It is better than....well, you can fill it in. I was gonna say "better than running your trains" but that would be stretching it.

Best, Jack