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Started by vinkay8204, January 11, 2012, 04:15:16 AM

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I have 3 left turnouts and 3 right turnouts. All of them are Bachmann DCC. But one of them short circuit 50% of the time....not always!! the other 5 is fine. Can anybody help me?? Thank you.


The EZ-Track turnouts use powered frogs.  That is the x-shaped metal part that the wheels pass through in the middle of the switch.  By routing the power to the frog, a "dead spot" in the middle of the switch is avoided.

Because the "left-hand rail" becomes the "right-hand rail" when the switch is set for the divergent route, there would be a polarity problem resulting in a short circuit if the power to the frog did not match the route selected.
Some other brands of switches avoid this issue by molding the frog out of plastic, but then locos  tend to stall on them.

EZ-Track turnouts solve this problem by having an internal electro-mechanical switch.  It works by using a copper rocker that moves when the switch is thrown, contacting two of four contact pads to route power to the frog in the correct manner.

This rocker moves when the geared rack inside the switch moves with the action of the solenoid.  If  this rocker gets out of synch with the rest of the mechanism, the power routing will not match the track route chosen.

You say it works OK half the time.  Is it always lined the same way when it works?  Try working the switch control and make sure the switch is throwing completely for both routes.

I suspect the copper rocker may have slipped off the peg on the rack.  Remove the switch from the track and turn it upside down.  Remove the small screws that hold the metal plate on.  Try not to disturb anything inside the mechanism.

The rocker will be T-shaped, with a slot in the leg that is not a contact.  That slot fits over a peg on the plastic rack part.  Probably this slotted leg has popped off its peg.  Being careful not to disrupt the gear and rack, replace the rocker so the peg on the slide extends through the slot in the rocker.

Your electrical problem probably has this mechanical cause.  If that doesn't solve the problem, read through the EZ-Track switch threads in this and the N-scale parts of the forum for more ideas. 

You may want to contact Bachmann Customer Service.  They will probably respond by replacing your switch.

Hope this helps.


Jerrys HO

You did not specify which turnout's you have whether they are standard or numbered. You will not have metal frogs on the standard turnout's only the numbered one's.
Before you take it apart check your rails and make sure one did not slide up and is touching the other rail. I had this problem after moving the turnout around and pushed the rail close enough to the other that it shorted when the loco hit that section. Pretty much on the line's of what Les was saying difference is the rail power's the frog and short's out.



Thanks Les and Jerry. Problem solved! You guys know where I can get some HO scale high speed passenger trains?


Jerrys HO

OK don't leave us hanging, what was the problem and how did you fix it? Readers want to know.
Do a google search and you should be able to find what you are looking for on your high speed passenger trains.
