Can EM-1 sound module sounds be triggered manually in DC?

Started by LuthierTom, January 06, 2012, 03:11:46 PM

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Can the sounds in the sound decoder for the EM-1 (specifically whistle and bell) be triggered manually when operating in DC?  If so, how?



Unfortunately they can't be triggered manually. They trigger automatically when certain adjustments are made to the throttle or direction. For example, when you change direction, the decoder will trigger the appropriate signal. Two blasts for forward or three for reverse or when you decrease the throttle, the decoder will trigger the brake squeal and if you decrease throttle slow enough, a single whistle blast signifying the train is stopping. Hope the info helps.


So it is not like "Brand X" where flipping or reversing the direction switch while moving triggers the bell or horn, respectively?


If you look at the Soundtraxx manuals, when operating a DCC Sound equipped locomotive, the sounds are all AUTOMATIC meaning the sounds like the whistle and bell activate when the decoder detects a change in the settings of the controller such as direction.


Quote from: MilwaukeeRoadfan261 on January 06, 2012, 06:12:33 PM
If you look at the Soundtraxx manuals, when operating a DCC Sound equipped locomotive, the sounds are all AUTOMATIC meaning the sounds like the whistle and bell activate when the decoder detects a change in the settings of the controller such as direction.

What he is saying, if all else fails, follow instructions.
A company does sell a device to be put between the DC power pack and track that is suppose to activate different sounds. I have never used the device but only read the instructions..
No idea if it would work with the EM-1 but I suspect it would.



Well yes you can.  I am using the QSI Quantum Engineer, sold by Broadway Limited.  I Believe that Atlas as well as some others may make the same box.  It has buttons that will operate the bell and whistle and a few other functions.  It connects between your power pack and the track.  What it does is change the track polarity a lot faster than you can giggle the direction switch, to activate the bell and whistle functions.  It works for me.  Get one, I think I paid around 30 bucks. 

Happy railroading,

Brass Hat
Belt Line Union Railroad
"Ship it in a BLURR"


Atlas does make/sell the QSI Quantum Express because they still use QSI sound decoders.


Thanks Rob Bob, you answered the questions.  I'll look for one and give it a try.