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DC-DCC issues

Started by czechwizard, November 09, 2011, 01:18:11 PM

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Guys, I've been using Bachmann Dynamis DCC system, but I also have a speed controller from the 2010 DCC Acela set. All my locos are Bachmann DCC. Now I've seen on Ebay a number of smashing Mehano Speed Trains for $ 200, Thalys, ICE3, Ave, and TGV, they are DC, I suppose. Could I run the speed trains only on my massive layout if I use a standard power pack instead of my DCC system, will they all run only in the same direction, will my Bachmann DCC locos run at the same time without any problem, overheating, etc. ? Could the 2010 DCC Acela set speed controller be used as the standard DC power pack, what's the difference, isn't it the same, the voltage to the track ? Could I run standard DC locos on such a layout without overheating, or do I have to use Dynamis for my Bachmann DCC locos only, and for my DC Piko and Mehano locos I plan to order only the standard DC power pack ? Thank you for any clarification !


You would have to use the sped controller for non-DCC engines and you could run DC engines if you had the EZ-Command 10 address controller but for the sake of the DC engine, the EZ-Command 10 address controller recommended for use with DC engines as it will burn out the motor. So your best bet would be to run the dc engines with the speed controller OR you could send the dc engines to DCCInstalled (also known as White Rose Hobbies) and have them converted to be DCC equipped and you could then use them with your dynamis system. Hope this helps.


you mean, for the DC engines only, I could only use the standard DC power speed controller, for example, from this PIKO #57194 DB ICE III STARTER SET, and my Bachmann DCC locos would go up in flames, if run at the same time, because of the speed controller ?


cz wiz-

In theory, at least, you can electrically isolate part of your layout and run it with DC while the rest operates under DCC. DON'T DO IT!!! You will only need to make one little error to do substantial, expensive damage to your locos and control systems. Such an error could easily slip in while you are doing the isolation work or, more likely, while you are attempting to run the two or more sections of the layout simultaneously. This isn't to say you can't reasonably and safely run a physically separated sub-layout on DC while the rest is DCC. An example might be a continuous loop subway or industrial area with no physical connection to the "main" trackwork whatsoever, essentially a display which functions more as scenery that model railroad per se.

It might make sense (I don't think so) to wire your layout so you can switch back and forth between all DC and all DCC. That's fairly easy to do if you already have an electrically completed DC set up but it's a whole lot of work if you must rewire a DCC system for DCC from scratch. Easier by far, and safer, is to convert everything to DCC. Can that be expensive? Maybe. It depends on just what you must convert and whether you're willing to do the work yourself. I can guarantee you, however, that it's a lot less expensive than replacing a fried DCC system and a bunch of mobile and maybe stationary decoders.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          -- D


Quote from: Hunt on November 09, 2011, 10:16:25 PM
When using DCC

Never connect more than one DCC Command Station to a layout.

Never simultaneously connect a DCC Command Station and a DC power pack to the same track.

Never let a DC locomotive idle on track connected to DCC.

Best Not to run a locomotive without a decoder installed using a DCC system. Not all DCC systems have the capability to run a locomotive without a decoder properly installed in it.

wow, I read this loud and clear, I think I'll have to run a completely separate DC track layout on my second level of the DCC layout because I desperately can get some dirty cheap European DC models, including a Czechoslovakian loco, and also Mehano high speed trains DC I crave are much cheaper to get as well, you know, a tight budget, my deadly Sixth Gospel saga E books don't sell that much on the internet, no lol, 6 would buy me a Mehano speed train, lol. Sorry for my HO scale feast-driven rants !!!

so let's say, independently, first I'll use the Piko DC ICE3 starter set, the track and two curved switches included, are code 83, so I'll have to use transition joiners, right ? , I still have a lot of Bachmann EZ track to use, Atlas code 83-100 transition joiners, do they work very well ? and then I'll run only DC engines on that separate minilayout, just for the beholder's eye, I've got it !

Also I could use the unused Acela DCC speed controller, its accessories part, as a separate DC power pack for my Bachmann turntable, right ? , the instruction sheet  says operating in DC mode requires two separate power packs, one to the turntable, one to the track, which I wouldn't use because of my Dynamis, so there's no risk of a short, right ? Thank you all very much. Please just confirm my "suspicions".