EZ Command starter engine problem

Started by rrman, October 04, 2011, 09:41:41 PM

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I bought the EZ command dcc set and a few days later the chessie system engine that came with it stopped moving. The headlight still works but the engine wont move forward or backwards. please help.


Make sure you have location 3 selected (Default on the loco from the factory) try turning the light on and off, if it responds but still wont move, let us know if not try another address and do the same.

if it does go on and off but wont move let us know so we can try some other things.

You can test the Loco on a standard DC layout as well they are set to run on DC from the factory as well. let us know what happens.



I tried running it on dc power and it still doesnt move forwards or backwards


I just remebered I had the same problem with a Rail truck last year, and had to reset it to factory defaults to get it to run again.
