S Scale Buildings For Hotwheels

Started by z28guy, July 08, 2011, 09:07:00 AM

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I'm looking for S scale Plasticville buildings for Hotwheels displays and I am wondering if my only options are the O and S scale kits. Are there any S scale only kits? Is their a list of part numbers of the kits that will work with my Hotwheels? Any info would be helpful. Thanks


No there are no S scale only Plasticville kits, only O/S scale. But other companies make S scale kits, but they are not too cheap. Check out buildings from American Model Builders, Branchline Trains, Classic Miniatures, and BTS.
Here is a link: http://www.walthers.com/exec/search?category=Structure&scale=S&manu=&item=&keywords=&words=restrict&instock=Q&split=60&Submit=Search


Thank you for all the info. One more question. Some of the kits I've been looking at on ebay do not have the scale pictured on the box and I'm wondering if there is a way to tell by the part number. And by the way this is a really cool site and I have always been fasinated by cool train layouts. I guess because my dad worked and retired from the L&N Railroad Thanks again.


For some kits you can do a google search with the part number, but almost all of the kits on ebay are HO, N or O scale.

Johnson Bar Jeff

Quote from: z28guy on July 08, 2011, 01:22:37 PM
Some of the kits I've been looking at on ebay do not have the scale pictured on the box and I'm wondering if there is a way to tell by the part number.

That can be a problem. There are plenty of people out there who quite innocently don't know what they're selling. I've noticed that you can't necessarily depend on a Plasticville building listed under HO as actually being HO. In my case, if I can't clearly see HO on the box, I pass it by.


Keep in mind that Hot Wheels were not made to any specific scale. Matchbox and Hot Wheels models both were sized so that their products fit their packaging. Many, if not most, Hot Wheels cars are actually closer to HO than S or O scales. The only way to really be sure is to know the dimensions of the real vehicle and compare them to the dimensions of the model. Hot Wheels also made many designs that had no real life prototypes, so a scale for these items doesn't exist.

Bill in FL


Actually if you measure the Matchbox and Hotwheels cars based on actual cars and compare to the dimensions of the 1:1 cars, most will come out to around 1:64. I measured a bunch of my old Lesney cars a while back and most scaled out to around 1:64th and none were even remotely close to 1:87.