Running Bachmann DC control with Bachmann EZ DCC control unit.

Started by Pacific Northern, July 29, 2011, 06:35:11 PM

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Pacific Northern

When running a DC controller with the EZ Command DCC control unit does one run the risk of burning out a DC locomotive if it is left on the layout no being used for long periods of time?

I know that the owners of DC locomotives are warned about burning out the motors if the DC locomotives are left on the layout without being used if the layout is being powered by the Bachmann EZ DCC control unit.

Please advise.
Pacific Northern


All that does is free address 10 for another DCC loco, you still cannot leave your loco on live track for more than a few minutes without risking it overheating or being otherwise damaged. And running it contionously on DCC also can cause it to overheat or get damaged after about 2-3 hours depending on the conditions.

Pacific Northern

Thanks all for the advice. I will inform them that they have some potential problems with this power layout.
Pacific Northern


I will never understand why the makers say you can run a locomotive when they know it can cause damage, it's my opinion that the manuals should say you cannot do it.

To me it's the same as a microwave oven maker saying you can light a bulb by putting it in the micro wave oven, it will light up, but for how long and will cause damage to the oven and the Bulb.

I guess they will change their idea's after an over oiled plastic locomotive ignites and burns a house down after being left on the track by some kid.
