What's next for Large Scale Thoams?

Started by CFRailway, February 25, 2011, 05:56:20 PM

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I'd say Toby, Rosie, Diesel, Duck, or Stanley.


Toby, Edward, or Emily, engine wise of course!


I doubt Emily...Eward and Toby would be great though.


She is always possible, they need a girl soon, or the Parent Activist Groups will have a spasm again!  :P



My guess is that Bachmann is producing the LS engines in the same order they did with the HO line (skipping any super large engines such as Gordon and Henry). So after James, I'm guessing Toby will come next, and then possibly Emily.


Quote from: SCOTTISH RAILWAYS on March 01, 2011, 11:33:48 AM
but emily will be huge :o
She'd be just a tad longer than James would be.

I can only see smaller characters, like Toby, Edward or Rosie becoming a reality though.


yeah. It'll be intresting seeing the reviews of large scale james see how he dose. I'm not sure if its just me but I think its kinda strange that all the large scale is based on the CGI series where as the ho range are based on the model series. I know bachmann wanna change all the tankers to CGI though.

Mark Oles

It's probably just you.  ;) 

Personally, I don't think it matters too much. What is important is that the models themselves look really good.  My 3 year old loves Percy and the troublesome trucks that came with that set.  I think a Thomas is in the future and perhaps a James, if they ever show up.


The LS trains are most likely CGI because CGI faces is what the kids see on TV now. LS was introduced while CGI was on TV, so that explains why HO is not CGI. It looks like Bachmann may be switched the HO rolling stock to CGI and might in the future change the engines to CGI.


I hope they don't start to change the engines in the HO range to the CGI versions. They are doing really well at the minute making them look model series accurite. I think that Both sets of twins are the best work that bachmann has done on a model. in comparason to when they first started with Thomas, Percy and James.


well they did that with the oil tanker so (which if i may add in, was, TERRIBLE, i mean it looked accurate, but i just painted over it to make the solid black color tanker because I COULDNT STAND IT! >:(), so... BE AFRIAD :o


 Bachmann Large scale Henry or Gordon ?!??!