Bachmann E-Z Command vs. Dynamis

Started by index2020, January 28, 2011, 11:39:20 AM

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Being new to all this, I got started with a Bachmann E-Z Command DCC controller. It is still within the 30 day return window. I paid about $80 for it and can get all of it back (less return ship).

Now that I am reading more about HO model trains (viva internet!) ... I see that there are more capable DCC controllers such as the Bachmann Dynamis or NCE Power Cab. However, these do cost a $100-200 more than my current controller.

Am wondering if I should return my E-Z Command and upgrade NOW or wait for a year or two and then upgrade? What can all can a Bachmann Dynamis or NCE Power Cab do beyond the basics? Is it worth it?

Any advice?


I have the same concerns, but instead I decided to keep my E-Z Command controller as a spare.
Beware the fury of the patient man


Index2020- The Bachmann EZ Command controller is great for getting started in DCC for an excellent price. As you progress farther into the world of DCC you will discover the simple abilities to be lacking. For example- The EZ command cannot program CV's. IF you're like me when starting into DCC, you'll think this is not a big deal. As you purchase locomotives with more abilities (i.e.- Locomotives that have multiple whistles etc.) you might be frustrated because you have no way to access these functions with your controller. To do any reprogramming I must take my locomotive to my local club. My thought is drop the money now and you won't be sorry later. I have no experience with the Dynamis but it looks nice and has more capabilities then the EZ Command. Coyboy's idea is nice if you have the funds to keep a spare controller.



no disrespect to anybody but, buying an ez command is kinda like buying a digital camera without a memory card slot. you will quickly outgrow it, and have to get something a little better.
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA


I agree with Jward . Someday I hope to outgrow my EZ Command . But I decided to keep it for my HO layout as it works well with my Bachmann Locomotives that came DCC equiped. If I was an avid decoder installer , I think I would upgrade or if I bought different manufactures of Locomotives then I would also consider it . But ,and I'm saying but, on my g scale equipment ,when I get more experience running them and operating them using DC power I would like to go ahead and install decoders in them and purchase a better DCC system for the g scale locos .And keep the EZ Command for the HO Locomotives .After seeing and running some trains with sound . How different the experience was . It opened up my eyes to so many things . It was like I want that .

regards MF5117
alias : mark fuller


Quote from: jward on January 28, 2011, 05:25:17 PM
no disrespect to anybody but, buying an ez command is kinda like buying a digital camera without a memory card slot. you will quickly outgrow it, and have to get something a little better.

Nice quip. Now, if only someone had told me this before I went ahead and bought my EZ Command. :)

Anyway, based on the advice here I'm  thinking about returning my current EZ Command and getting in it's place an NCE Power Cab (about $150) over the weekend. I don't want to make the same mistakes twice: so if any of you have a better suggestion in mind (for the same price, of course), now would be a good time to let me know :)



I have both EZcommand and Dynamis, I started with the EzCommand then bought the dynamis so I could play with the decoder settings.
I found that I like to use the Dynamis to program then put it away and use the very simple EzCommand to run the trains. I found the only function needed I couldn't use with the ezCommand was the f11 braking function, but then I remapped it to F7 which I didn't use, so now I can't make the coupler clank sound, but I can set the brake. if you don't have sound then its not an issue at all.



Quote from: jward on January 28, 2011, 05:25:17 PM
no disrespect to anybody but, buying an ez command is kinda like buying a digital camera without a memory card slot. you will quickly outgrow it, and have to get something a little better.

Spot on.

It was originally advertised that they would make it expandable. That never really happened.


i would have thought they'd have wanted to make it compatable with dynamis. maybe make it able to plug into the larger system and be used as an additional throttle or booster the way other some other systems can. when i got my dcc system i took a long hard look at all of them. the inability to add on to the system, or to do even basic programming of speed, and the restriction of the numbers able to be used for addressing were huge strikes against both ez command and at least one other similar system.

for me being able to program locomotive number as address means never losing a locomotive because u forgot what addres it has. and not having the ability to do a factory default reset on a locomotive is something i could never live with. wiping the slate clean and starting all over is an easy way to troubleshoot many decoders.
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA


I prefer the NCE but the Digitrax is also good.   One thing to check out, if possible, does anyone in your area have either setup?   That makes it easier when you need help on something if you have someone local you can turn to.
I know guys who bought Digitrax only because that is what everyone else was using in their area.
You may find the NCE is a little easier to setup/run.   But all of them have a learning curve.
Dave Mason

D&G RR (Dunstead & Granford) in On30
"In matters of style, swim with the current;
in matters of principle, stand like a rock."   Thos. Jefferson

The 2nd Amendment, America's 1st Homeland Security


My son is just getting his set up going - we are running EZ track and right now everything is analog. Can we use digital controlers with this track? What would you recommend?


If everything is analog then do not power the track with a DCC system/controller, you only risk damaging the analog locomotives, nothing can be gained from using the DCC system at this point if you do not have 2 or more DCC locomotives or a DCC locomotive with sound. Running DC locomotives with an E-Z command is risky becuase if you leave them on a live track idle for more than a minute or two then they can overheat and be damaged. If you have a Dynamis DCC system, it will not run any DC locos, it can only overheat or damage them.


The EZ track can be used for DC or DCC works just the same as far as the track it's self is concerned.


Pacific Northern

Quote from: jodyb on February 02, 2011, 12:52:24 PM
My son is just getting his set up going - we are running EZ track and right now everything is analog. Can we use digital controller's with this track? What would you recommend?

Yes you can use DCC controller's with EZ track. When the Bachmann EZ DCC controllers first came out it was fine and priced low.

It is now years later. Other brands of DCC controller's are now available with many more features and are only a few dollars more.

Spend the extra money now and get a Digitrax Zephyr system of a NCE starter set.
Pacific Northern