Spectrum DCC w/Sound on DC layout & pulse power

Started by rs, January 08, 2011, 12:23:11 PM

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I need advice & suggestions from the experts here.  I recently picked up a Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0 DCC loco w/sound and am very happy with it.  For now we'll be running it on a DC layout.  The instructions state to not use a power pack with pulsed DC, but to instead use one with filtered DC.

We currently have a 35 year old MRC Throttlemaster model 402 (rheostat).  I believe this is the kind of pack we should not be using.  I've been searching this forum and the net to get suggestions on filtered DC pack, but so far have found only one current model packs that states it uses filtered/non-pulsed DC (Atlas Right Track #311). 

I called two hobby shops in the area, both recommended an MRC 1370, but I can find no definitive info that states that this model is the right type.  I had previously contacted MRC directly about some of their other current model packs, and they stated that they used pulse power at low voltages.

I really don't want to chance buying the wrong thing and overheating or burning up a motor.

What are other folks using when running DCC-equipped locos on DC?  I realize that these locos will always run better on a DCC layout, but for various reasons that's not feasible for us right now.



I am not familiar with this pack but some had a pulse/no pulse switch. Some packs, the pulse was simply some low voltage AC capacitor connected to the DC voltage. That is a sine wave, not a pulse.
The ones with square wave pulses will confuse the decoder at times.
All the I have seen so far on this issue, is the pulse will not damage the decoder. The loco will just not run smoothly.
I have run a loco with a home made power pack that did not have much filtering and no problems. The decoder did not seem to be affected by the AC. Others will comment.



I ended up going with the MRC Tech 6 since it's specifically designed to run DCC locos on on a DC layout.

Pros: can program and control all the sound features on the loco, can switch modes back and forth between DC and DCC locos, works extremely well

Cons: no AC to control accessories, very light and plasticky - feels cheap, the track wire connector port is extremely flimsy

This pack will be great if it lasts...