Phoenix PB11 install in a spectrum Connie difficult or easy?

Started by robertalan51, January 01, 2011, 09:42:51 AM

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would installing the PB11 Phoenix sound system in a spectrum Connie be difficult or relatively easy?
how about the magnet triggers? What is a fair price to have this system installed. One guy told me $100.00. I thought that was a bit over the top.
Are the instructions that come with the system fairly easy to understand.
I know I'm starting to sound like a real dope but I am not.........totally.
I was told installing the magnetic track triggers are a bit difficult.
And one last question....i promise (at least for now that is).....where is the best place to purchase everything i need?
Thanks again for everyones help.

Kevin Strong

Phoenix has installation instructions on their web site. If you can follow those (and they're pretty simple, especially for track-powered installations), then there's no reason not to have a go yourself. On the 2-8-0, you can probably easily mount the reed switches to the truck without much effort, depending on the size of the switches.
