Athearn Challenger and WALTHER HERITAGE Y3 RADIUS

Started by darticus, December 31, 2010, 07:08:58 PM

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Anyone with these know the smallest radius that can be used goodly with both.  Thanks Ron

Franz T

I have one of the first run (LifeLike) Y3's and it can actually negotiate a 9 3/4" radius curve. No idea about the Athearn, although Mark says it can handle a n 11" curve...


The Athearn Challenger will also do 9-3/4" radius.
Doesn't look to great, but it will work.



Learned alot here. One suggestion that helped was to cut my turns loose from my roadbed and let them flex naturally and see if it helped. It did wonders and 80% was fixed. I re glued the bedding and track and things looking better. Actually the light mountain runs my heavy mountain runs my Challenger surprisingly runs fine on 11 radius and my Walthers Y3 runs great on it the articulated spectrum runs fine but the Norfolk Western Spectrum still will not get around the track terrible. Will try more but not changing things for it. Thanks Ron

Franz T

I got a N&W "J" recently and it seems to run fine even on 11" radius. Have you removed the little piece of foam packing they put under the trailing truck at the factory?? If you haven't, that is probably your problem right there.....


Will triple check it. Ron
Quote from: Franz T on January 02, 2011, 06:39:04 PM
I got a N&W "J" recently and it seems to run fine even on 11" radius. Have you removed the little piece of foam packing they put under the trailing truck at the factory?? If you haven't, that is probably your problem right there.....