Bachmann Walt Disney Carolwood HO 00675 conversion to DCC?

Started by Mudbugntx, October 30, 2010, 08:12:51 PM

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Can anyone tell me if this loco can be converted to DCC and if so which DCC Decoders do you recommend?

Bachmann Walt Disney Carolwood HO 00675

Thank you for any help or replies.


A DZ123 or the like would be a good and economic choice. It will require the use of a soldiering iron to hard-wire the decoder because the loco does not have an 8-pin socket. It is very do-able, but may not be the best choice for your first attempt, but if you have some experience then you should be fine.

Jim Banner

Any H0 locomotive can be converted to DCC.  Some are easy, some are harder, and a few are nightmares.

Where space is at a premium, the Digitrax DZ125 is an excellent choice.  It has all the features of it predecessor, the now obsolete DZ123, and includes Back EMF control as well.  More information on this decoder is available at this link:
I would strongly recommend doing a stall current test on your locomotive before buying any decoder for it.  Even though these decoders are low cost, it is still disheartening to destroy one by skipping this important test.  If you are unfamiliar with stall current tests, ask and one of us will fill in the details.

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