Here is my solution to my post on incline track support

Started by rookie, April 06, 2010, 12:36:05 AM

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Thanks for the responses on my question. Here is my solution. I used some 3/16 thick masonite. I used it to cut out a form to make my inclines. Since i only needed to go up to 1-1/4 inches i cut the pieces on a taper from 1-1/4 down to 0. This put me on a slope of slightly more than 2 %. I taper cut the sides on the bandsaw, set them up along the path of the track 2 inches apart with supports screwed down on the outsides of the "rails". This created a form for the track. I took regular insulating foam in a can (the rigid type) and sprayed the form to overflowing. After allowing proper curing time of 8 hours, i used a serrated blade to trim off the excess by cutting along the rails of my form. Previously I had taped the rails on the inside so as to eliminate any sticking when i removed the form. Worked perfectly. Using scrap wood i only had to buy the spray foam, which cost about 4 bucks. I'm gonna use it to make my incline on the inside of my layout also.


Good job. I hope, in the long run, that moisture won't be a problem with the Masonite.


Thanks pdlethbridge.  The masonite 's not an issue though. That was the forming rails which i took off after the foam cured.


Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA


Brilliant !  I will try that with my portable tunnels I am working on.  Quite  nicely done !  You are no longer a rookie !

Best Wishes,
