Williams Whistle/Horn Question

Started by EIS, February 10, 2010, 11:36:36 PM

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Does Bachmann have any plans to change the whistle/horn from a grade crossing sequence to user controllable?

I would also like to see a volume pot to control sound levels.  I have tried adjusting the sound level on my GG1 using the pot on the sound card, but the pot acts more like an on/off switch than a volume control.



I just bought a new True Blast 2 horn for a diesel engine and the volume is either all or nothing, no real volume adjustment!
If Bachmann were to change the horn sequence on the TB-2 they should offer one that will let you choose the feature you like with an on/off switch.

Lee F.


You know, if they added a simple deisel roar and steam chuff to their sound it would be a major factor for many of us in buying WBB!  (Oh yeah -and a volume knob please!)


I agree.

Although, judging by the WBB section of the 2010 catalog. They didn't allocate much capital for R&D on the 3-rail side of the hobby this year.

The horn/bell noise needs to be upgraded soon!


Further question about the horn add-on.

Can the add-on horn package be wired/set up to work properly on older Lionel diesels/electrics w/o a sound system. I am concerned about the wiring aspect. How difficult it will be, etc. Thanks


For me the sound system was very easy to hook up, just two wires-one red and one black. Hook the red wire to the headlight and the black wire to the frame. The main issue will be space, can it fit inside a GP-9 made by Lionel? I installed one in a Santa Fe alco B unit.

Lee F.