Problems with Bachmann Dynamis

Started by Jack Johnson, February 20, 2010, 07:02:07 PM

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Jack Johnson

I installed my Dynamis system last week and all was well till today. Functions don't turn on right away and don't turn off unless I stand right in front of the command base and point the hand held unit at the base. I have changed batteries with 2 fresh packs and no change. Locomotives stop for no reason and will not start back up unless the unit is turned off and back on. This is happening with all my DCC Broadway Limited and DCC Bachmann locomotives. Any ideas? I guess I'll call service Monday. Thanks.



Hi Jack, I don't have an answer for you but I have an athearn loco with sound and the function buttons do not work at all with this loco yet a proto loco works fine so will be very ineterested to hear what happens with your problem.

Jack Johnson

Good news, Tom at Bachmann is sending out a new handset for me to try. He tried over the phone to get mine to work properly but no luck. I let you know how it turns out.
