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85 feet of track..DO I NEED MORE PWR SUPPLY???

Started by tooserious, January 08, 2010, 01:40:35 PM

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I installed a train in an octagon shape with a little over 10 feet per oct......It ran fine for a it stops on corners.....any suggestions ???

Chuck N

It sounds more like your engine is too big (long) for the curves that you are using.  What is the engine that you are running, and what is the diameter or radius of the track?  Engines that are too long for the curve will bind.  It is also possible that the combination of the cars and engine have too much friction when going through the curves.  Where does it stop?  As soon as the engine enters the curve, or later when the cars start to enter the curve? 

The more information you can give us the more likely we will be able to help you.

My outdoor layout is about 90 feet around.  It ran very nicely with one power feed.  A couple of years ago I added a second, more for insurance than for need.


Do you have a volt meter?  If you don't an inexpensive meter for voltage and resistance from RadioShack is a worthwile purchase.  Check the voltage in the track in the area where the engine stops.  That will help you find out whether it is the power or something to do with the train itself.


Try turning it around and see if it will run in the opposite direction, if it does that may point more to the Loco then the power to the track, by the way, Did you try cleaning your track?



What kind of track are you using?  Some time new people try using Bachmann track out doors.

Joe Satnik

Dear TS,

If you cut the four curves in half as I had suggested earlier, you will be short 8 black blades and 8 rail joiners. 

Both the blades and joiners help conduct electricity.  Did you have those extra parts available? 

I know a few extra rail joiners are included with the sets. 

The black blades are a different story.  I used to be able to get blades from Philly, but they are not (yet?) in the new LS on-line parts inventory. 

I have extra curves that you could strip blades off of.  joebarb"AT"wwt"DOT"net   

Another thought, every 10 hours of running time you should clean and lube your engine with plastic compatible lubes.   Check the rolling stock wheels and trucks for dirt, dust, hair and bearing wear. 

(A dirty, unlubed train requires much more current to run, which reveals any poor connections between your track sections.) 

Hope this helps. 


Joe Satnik   
If your loco is too heavy to lift, you'd better be able to ride in, on or behind it.

Chuck N


A couple of weeks ago several of us offered you suggestions as to what might be causing your problem. 

Was any of the information helpful? 

Those of us who try to help people could use some feedback.  Were we off the wall, or did we of help?
