Replacement part for Spectrum 2-8-0 needed - any suggestions????

Started by mobilman44, November 29, 2009, 07:04:28 AM

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  My HO Spectrum 2-8-0 threw a screw (attaches running gear to 3rd set of drive wheels) and I actually got a replacement two days ago. 

However, when I went to insert the screw I realized that the loco also "threw off" the small spacer.  That part is like a thick, small washer (3mm OD, 2mm ID, 1.5mm thick).  I "gerryrigged" a replacement out of delrin plastic, but I sure would like to get a metal one.  I checked with Micro Fasteners and Osorail (NWSL) and had no luck. 

Can you recommend any other micro fastener suppliers????

Thank you,

full maxx

just wondering if this is from an explorer set with a 2-8-0 consolidated steam engine
look up FullMaxx1 on youtube or check the blog for the lastest updates