Identifying turnout size by sight

Started by Paul M., November 25, 2009, 11:11:24 AM

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Paul M.

Hi, I'm selling some old Tru-Scale turnouts for a friend. Some of them are labeled, but some aren't. I need to know what size they are (#4, #5, #6, etc.) I'm not experienced enough yet to be able to identify the different types of turnouts by sight.
Can one of you identify the size of these 6 turnouts? (The rest of his I've identified already)






Thanks for your help, in advance. I'm still a relative novice, and haven't learned the 'tricks of the trade' when it comes to identifying turnouts!



It's a bit tough by eyeball, but most of those look like No. 6's.  Just FYI, the number of a turnout refers to the spread ratio of the frog.  If the rails from the frog measure one inch apart 6 inches from the point of the frog, it a number 6.  One inch in 4 inches, a number 4, and so on. 

Jim Banner

ebtnut is correct, but on some turnouts, like the one in your photo B, you might want to measure in smaller units.  For example, you would use quarters of an inch or eighths of an inch.  If the turnout has a spread of 1 quarter of an inch at 4 quarters of an inch from the point of the frog, it is a #4 turnout, etc.  With the curve in the diverging rail, measuring 4 or 6 inches from the point of the frog will give you a wrong answer.

If the photos were taken looking straight down, it would be possible to make these measurements on your monitor.  With the angled shots, the math becomes pretty horrendous.

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