Problem assigning address with MRC Prodigy DCC

Started by csx404, October 03, 2009, 12:23:42 PM

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I belong to a club which uses MRC Prodigy Express DCC.  I recently purchased a Spectrum 2-10-2 with DCC and sound.  When placed on the programming track it only allows me to use the default address of 0003.  I need to program it to a four digit number due to the number of locos in the club. Can anyone help???  Thanks in advance.


I use the Prodigy Advance 'squared' at home.  I have found that the directions that one downloads from the MRC site are a little confusing.  HOWEVER I have a work around.  I took my Bachmann controller and used that to set the addresses and when done, used the Prodigy to run the trains.  Prodigy picks up the addresses.

I have been able to set the addresses with Prodigy, but I forgot how I got it to work.  I do recall I had to go slow and it took more than one try.

For what it's worth.


Thanks Mike, unfortunately I don't have a Bachmann controller.  One of the other guys in the club got his to work, but it was a while ago and no one can remember.  I appreciate the help.


CSX 404 i had the same problem. Jim Banner helped me out. Let me see if i can direct you to that thread that i had put up.
Get Off My Train !!!


Get Off My Train !!!


Thanks, I will give this a try next Saturday at the club.  I'm hoping I don't need a Soundtraxx booster.  After spending all that money for a loco that Bachmann advertises as being compliant with any DCC system, this would not be right. 


Don't worry about the compliant Bachmann.  I've got 2 Bachmann locos and they work very well with the MRC controller.  Well they work nicely until they end up on the same track, at the same time.  You can guess the rest. :o


If you read Jim Banner's full explanation, no other programmer or booster is required.
Just set it up on a programming track.
Dave Mason

D&G RR (Dunstead & Granford) in On30
"In matters of style, swim with the current;
in matters of principle, stand like a rock."   Thos. Jefferson

The 2nd Amendment, America's 1st Homeland Security


Yes I read his post and appreciate it.  Unfortunately, I believe I tried what he wrote already.  But I'll try again.  Elsewhere in the post and on other forums, they have said you need a Tsunami power booster on the programming track, which is what I was referring to.  I'll find out for sure next weekend.  Thanks for the help.


Do you use Bachmann track?  If so have you tried the Bachmann DCC standard turnouts.  I seem to have lost my Bachmann power pack and therefore the instructions that came with the switches are not very helpful. 

Just curious

Remember 2 + 2 = 5
for sufficeint values of 2


The Prodigy Express is only a 1.6 amp output...using it in a club environment may be taxing the output, lowering the track voltage needed to program the loco.
verify the loco runs on it's default address [# 3], then program it on the main to the 4 digit address you want. try removing the other locos from the layout when trying to program it, even though the other locos may not be running their decoders are still drawing power. if you are still having trouble, contact me at MRC- 732-225-2100, ext. 224
Frank Verrico
Product Manager/Tech Support
Model Rectifier Corp.
[email protected]