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My First Loco Kit

Started by jonathan, August 08, 2009, 07:48:56 PM

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       I have two B&O GP35,  older than the version you have as they have the metal side frames on the trucks.    I have brand new handrail kits to go with them.   These engines were my Dad's and have not run in many years.    If you want them,  contact me via email at [email protected].   You can have for free.   I will ship them to you.    They are the dark blue with the "sun beam" nose of the low hood end.

Bob Rule, Jr.
Bob Rule, Jr.
Hatboro, Pa
In God We Trust
Not so much in Congress



      Two B&O GP35s are headed your way,   mailed yesterday,  8-14-09.
Bob Rule, Jr.
Hatboro, Pa
In God We Trust
Not so much in Congress


Thanks, ebtBob. As the kids
say,    "You Rule!"

Sincerely,  Jonathan



The GP35s arrived today! That was quick... 

OK, here's what I see so far. 

My original had two brass flywheels and plastic truck side frames.  Best guess is that one is from the mid-nineties.  One of the locos you sent has two flywheels made of iron I'm guessing, and it has metal side frames... from the Eighties maybe?  I put that one on the track to test.  Man it took off like nobody's business, just as smooth and quiet as you please.  Somebody took good care of that engine. 

The final loco has no flywheels or headlight, although the motor looks new (it's all shiny inside).  Can't get it to run, however.  All the parts turn freely, but doesn't respond to power.  So, I'll save that one for last.  Will have to take it down to parade rest, to clean and solve the lack of response.

Starting on the iron flywheel Geep.  Once the shell is completed, I'll hardwire the motor to the trucks.  That be all that is required for the guts.  She seems to be well lubed, smooth and quiet.  Oh, there were no couplers, or gear boxes, but I think that an easy fix with a couple of assembled #5 Kadee's.  Just need the right sized screw to fit in the hole on the coupler tab.

This will be oodles of fun.  Plus, I get a break from trees and ground foam (tedious).  "God help me, I do love this hobby so."(George C. Scott)
Thanks again, Bob.  Hope to return the favor someday.  Even better, if I can "pay it forward".





      Since both of those engines have the metal side frames,  I think it is safe to say they are from the 70s or early 80s.   The one without flywheels almost assuradly is from the 70s.  I am glad the one ran so well for you. are correct,  quick delivery as I mailed them yesterday afternoon at around 1pm


Bob Rule, Jr.
Hatboro, Pa
In God We Trust
Not so much in Congress


Here's the flywheel version....


And after:

She runs great.  Still need to tune the couplers a bit, and hard wire the motor.  Not bad for a day though.




Here are my final pics for this post.

From front to back are the 1990's model with brass flywheels, 1980's with iron flywheels, and 1970's with no flywheels.  The shells are identical.  Funny how Athearn didn't renumber the loco with each new run (project for another day).

All three engines were stripped down, cleaned, relubed and rewired.  They all have 1 hour of running time and were tested pulling 14 cars at a time.  However, the oldest loco gets balky after about 20 minutes of running (motor gets hot).  I suspect it's my poor soldering, and not the engine's fault.  Also, I had to get creative with coupler mounting, using spare parts, with the oldest engine.  Though all the couplers hold well and haven't let go, even when double-heading.  The traction on the old wheels is much stronger than the modern nickel silver.  Go figure.

Will fiddle with these locos a lot, to learn lighting and superdetailing.  For now, they're ready for general service.  Many thanks to ebtbob for donations to my home-school project.  Always learning... Now back to the ground foam...




the 1990's model with brass flywheels.  It also has a better motor.


The motor over heating could be because of its age and the magnet getting weaker


OK, so maybe it's not me.  I ran the two flywheel models this morning, for over an hour (double heading).  Turned 'em around after 30 minutes and ran the other way.  Had no problems. 

I now have 8 Athearn locos, 8 Bachmann locos, and one Atlas Silver Series that run well.  You would think that would be enough to keep anyone happy.  Who am I kidding...




Do you have a youtube user?

