Costume Store Figures & Building

Started by buzz, August 10, 2009, 07:40:22 AM

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Hi guys
I have a grim reaper left over from an HO figure set after using the scare crow, mermaid and angle statue on my main layout.
It has been suggested that the grim reaper is used in a costume hire shop.
First what other figures are available that could go in an HO shop display
one haloween figure just will not do US 1812 infantry man? Continental soldier ?? Father Christmas the Hog father??
What would be a good US outline building to use as a basis for the shop
possable multi use would be good will not have room for a big metropolis
Want to have a go at interior detailing so a kit is best I think.
Any thoughts.
regards John
A model railway can be completed but its never finished


The grim reaper could be used as a sign in front of a shop that sells harleys.


Hi pdlethbridge
I thought that was the result of riding a motor bike not the advert
gimmick :)
regards John
A model railway can be completed but its never finished


Try many of the DPM or Mainstreet (?) kits.  Use any one that has large show windows so people can see the interior.  Don't forget you will need to put a light inside to see the interior.  Make a viewblock/back wall behind the figures. 
As to figures, maybe War Between the States or Wild West figures would be best - much more popular than War of 1812. 
Chief Brass Hat
Virginia Tidewater and Piedmont Railroad
"Only coal fired steam locomotives"


Just did a pet store for the granddaughter.  display stages inside the windows Dogges on one side and cats  on the other. makes you wanta go in and buy one.   :)  Name on the outside and product on display in the windows. 


Hi SteamGene
thanks for the tips.
regards John
A model railway can be completed but its never finished


Hi lesak1
Sounds interesting did you have any problems doing the shop that I should be aware of.
regards John
A model railway can be completed but its never finished