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Steel EZ track vs NIckle silver

Started by Don W, August 06, 2009, 01:49:15 PM

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Don W

Can you advise as to the performance difference between Bachman EZ track steel and nickel/ silver. MY new layout will be approximately 5' by 12 ' with a 6' by 6' L section. I plann on running interlocking loops with a 90 degree crossover. There will also be two turnouts with sidings.

Will the Steel track work .


Both are fine. More variety in N/S. Oxidation on the N/S is conductive... on the Steel, oxidation is less conductive. Bottom line, it's your rr, use and enjoy what you like!- Mike


For the reasons listed in the post above, I suggest avoiding steel track as it is hard to keep it in good running order, if at all possible use nickel silver and your maintenance will not be as hard and it will run better.


Steel track should be outlawed!!!   Jerry

Santa Fe buff

It's more affordable for those who have kids, and those tight on money. Besides, steel gives a better rail head shine after being painted then nickel silver. Using them together is, well, okay, but I don't like it. They are so contrastive. The steel metal is more metallic, while the nickel silver is tinted with a yellowish color. I could tell what rail was made from what just by looking at it.

Though nickel silver E-Z track is a bet expensive, getting flex or Snap-Track made from nickel silver is about as pricey as steel. It's the road bedding, and the detail. Overall, the E-Z track is worth it's price. ;)

- Joshua Bauer

Jim Banner

If we outlawed steel track, where would that leave the 12" to the foot boys?

Seriously, I have nickel-silver, brass, plated steel and bare steel track on my H0 layout and I cannot tell the difference in performance.  Mind you, I oil my rails with a tiny bit of light, thin "conductive" oil from time to time.  I also clean my rails regularly, about once every five years or so.

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