Bachman, Kader, SDK, and K-Line

Started by mrcrrtech, July 14, 2010, 01:25:30 PM

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Mr. Bachman,
Now that SDK stated K-line by Lionel is no longer going to be made, and SDK owns the K-line tooling, and now that Kader/Bachman own SDK [phew]
is there any chance that Bachman, or Williams by Bachman will be producing the K-line product line of O scale trains and accessories?
there is so much speculation on the 3 rail forums, i figured to go direct to the source
Frank Verrico
Product Manager/Tech Support
Model Rectifier Corp.
[email protected]

the Bach-man

Hi, Frank,
We're aware of the situation and we're exploring our options at this time. When and if there's something to announce, we'll do it here.
the Bach-man


Mr. Bach-man,

Just thought that I would mention that there is a whole lot of speculation about what is going on with K-Line on the Classic Toy Train forum under the heading "K-Line Dead."
I know that there is nothing mentioned on here about what is happening and that is probally the wisest course for now.

Lee F.

Hamish K

In view of all the speculation elsewhere, the basic situation should be understood. SDK acquired the tooling and right to use the name for K-Line as a result of the bankruptcy proceedings against K-Line (K-Line owed SDK a lot of money). This was before SDK was bought by Kader.  At that  time SDK was a manufacturer for other companies and did not have their own brands. They licenced the right to market K-Line to Lionel, SDK made them. After these licences were granted Kader (Bachmann's parent company) bought SDK including the licence arrangements. The licences were due to expire at the end of 2010 and are not being renewed (whose decision that was is not clear).

Thus Bachmann's parent company, Kader, own K-line although this was not a decision of the current company. They have inherited the situation, not created it. I hope they can find a course of action that benefits both them and the train consumer.



My hope is that Bachmann will continue and even expand  the SuperStreets line, which, at this point in time, is probably the most significant remaining K-Line asset.  There are certainly other K-Line products that would mesh well with the Williams line--Plymouth and Porter switchers, boxcabs, etc.--but SuperStreets would probably be the best and safest bet from the get-go.

However, folks need to temper their angst and just give the folks at Bachmann and Kader time to see how everything shakes out, and to determine what might work best for them.

By the way:  The new Peter Witt Streetcar is a winner!  A nice runner and a darn good looker.

Allan Miller


Bachmann could have 3 lines like Atlas O:

1.  Intro set line, based on old Marx molds.
2.  Williams
3.  Upper end, from K-Line scale tooling.

ripley manor

I would like to see a 3-rail dcc system. I use Bachmann's system with my oo/ho trains. for me it works much better than tmcc or dcs. plus I can use an atlas or other dcc loco with the system as well. I already run my 3-rail trains on dc power with mrc tech 4 transfomers. so dcc for 3-rail is a possibility given the tech knowledge Bachmann has.


I too would like to see K-Line's Super Streets return to the market, as it was a nice looking system to install for a trolley style track on your layout. Looks a whole lot better than to have a section of regular track inside a city setting.
Also a set of three powered diesels was a nice invention as well, the only drawback that I could see was the tether connection. Not that many companies did much with the interurban passengers either.

Lee F.


IMHO,K-Line made many locos and other equipment that deserve to be continued in production.

I personally have no interest in the Super Streets stuff.

Although I realize that all manufacturers/importers need to and should make a profit from the sale of their products,it seems that every time a company/line changes hands the prices go up.


My guess at why prices go up every time a company changes hands has to do with lawyer fees. Even a simple buy-out costs money to go through the paperwork cycle in the court systems.

Lee F.


To tell the truth I would like to see the Shadow rail O Gauge Track again.  It was an awesome looking Track system.  Super Streets was also a good looking set up for City scenes.  It Looked like streets. I for one am interested in seeing it continue.  The Super Snap Track i have had no real good success with But i did wind up converting it with Track pins.  
Please Bachmann Company listen to us modelers and help us continue our hobby with items we really want

Bobbie Emerson


When talking about the Shadow Rail, do you mean track that looks like Super Snap but without the extra plastic pieces on the ends and uses O gauge tubular size track pins?
I have some O gauge straight track by K-Line that looks like a cross between Gargraves and Lionel tubular track with plastic ties that have pre-drilled holes for mounting.

Lee F.


yes Philly reading the track you have is known as shadowrail.  The Supersnap track is the track with no pins in it but with small oval shaped snaps on each end that you push together.
Bobbie Emerson


i am surprised that 3 rail has not chimed in on this thread.  would love to hear his thoughts on track and super streets although i do understand his position a personal thought would be nice to hear.

thanks bobbie
Bobbie Emerson


Thanks Bobbie.
I don't care much for track that don't use track pins in O gauge, as it can come apart easier.

Lee F.